Jazz Observatory

For GEO Week 2019 in Canberra, Australia, the Jazz Observatory had two interactive areas.

The first interactive area featured Impact Stories. These highlighted the importance of Earth observations to areas such as health, disasters, weather, food/water/energy, and ecosystems/ecosystems services. The Impact Stories were displayed on touchscreen tablets throughout the exhibit. Click the icon below to launch the virtual Impact Stories.

The second interactive area featured our Jazz Stage. Just as each instrument is integral to a song in jazz music, Earth observations ranging from in situ to space-based must be combined with models and other analytical methods to provide information that is actionable for decision-makers. In the Jazz Stage, drums represented in situ Earth observations, a trombone symbolized remotely sensed information, a trumpet signified model outputs, and a piano voiced other data types (e.g. demographics). A screen visualized the data overlays for topics including hurricane forecasting and response, agriculture and food security, and ecosystems and ecosystem services, while speakers played a unique auditory interpretation of the visual overlay.

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